Finishing Touches For An Awesome She Shed
While others have “man caves,” many women today create “She Sheds” for themselves. These little retreats are often converted sheds in the backyard where you can enjoy a favorite activity or relax in peace and quiet. All you need is a habitable structure and a few finishing touches to make your personal oasis. With some She Shed window treatments, lighting, paint, and seating, you’ll soon have a cozy and functional She Shed.
Paint Your She Shed A Color You Love
Your She Shed should reflect your tastes and creativity. It’s your personal space separate from the house, so you don’t have to worry about how its colors coordinate with other rooms. To let your personality shine through, pick paint colors you love that set the mood you want in your space. If you want a bright and cheery craft space, experiment with a rainbow of paint colors. If you want a cozy, serene reading room or zen yoga studio, use a calm palette of neutral hues. And if you can’t decide, pick a paint color that complements She Shed window treatments or furniture you plan to use.
Install Beautiful She Shed Window Treatments For Privacy
Speaking of window treatments, putting some on your windows will instantly elevate the look of your She Shed and make it look perfect. You’ll find lots of window treatments to choose from to get the look you want. Consider natural woven fiber shades, boldly patterned Roman shades, or elegant interior shutters.
She Shed window treatments are practical too. You can use them for privacy when you want solitude and for keeping the sun out of your eyes when you’re reading, crafting, or napping. You can even use window treatments like Polywood® interior shutters to insulate old windows. They have built-in weatherstripping to block air from passing through windows when you close them. They come in three shades of white that will match the rest of your She Shed decor, and their louvers let you redirect light out of your eyes when you’re enjoying a hobby or dozing.
Brighten Things Up With Cool Electric Lights
Not every shed has good windows for letting in natural light. And if you’re using your She Shed window treatments to block the view inside, you will need electric lighting to see by. The lighting you choose depends on your tastes, how you plan to use your shed, and how much overhead space you have. You might like a glamorous chandelier in a tall shed or trendy sconce lights on the walls in a low-roofed shed. And if you plan on working or reading in there, you probably need a floor or table lamp too.
Relax With Comfy Seating In Your She Shed
Every She Shed needs a comfortable place to sit, and you have lots of options to choose from. Will you use a small couch, beanbag chair, rocking chair, chaise, or hammock? You might even add a daybed for much-needed naps! Whatever you pick, make sure your seating helps you relax. Add some pillows and a soft blanket, and you will have the perfect cozy getaway right in your backyard.
Bring Your She Shed Ideas To Sunburst
When you know what kind of She Shed window treatments you want, call Sunburst Shutters. You’re sure to find what you’re looking for among our large selection of window treatment fashions. And we offer a free in-home consultation to help you decide. Just call 877-786-2877 or fill out the form below to make an appointment.