How To Prevent Your Carpets From Fading
You just invested in brand-new carpets and within a few months, you start to see fading in one spot on your carpet. What happened? While you enjoyed the warmth and light of the sun streaming through your windows, your carpets fell victim to the sun’s damaging UV rays.
So how can you prevent your carpets from fading so that they maintain their new look for as long as possible?

Protect Your Carpets From UV Rays with Window Treatments
UV Shades: Some shades like roller shades, Roman shades, or honeycomb shades come with a UV-blocking liner option. The catch is that you need to have your shades completely closed to take advantage of its UV blocking features. No matter which window treatment you choose, pay attention to how the sun shines through your windows during different times of the day and throughout the different seasons. Then adjust your window treatments so you can let in as much light as possible without having the direct sun on your carpets.

Add An Area Rug to Block UV Light on Your Carpet
Rugs can be swapped out so you can protect your carpeting underneath.
Adding an area rug is another way to prevent your carpets from fading. Rugs add another layer that acts as a barrier between your carpet and the sun’s UV rays. They’re also cheaper to replace than carpets.
If you have a space that gets a lot of rays, you can rotate your area rug every few months to even out the exposure. You can even rotate rugs to spread out the exposure even more. Keep in mind that your carpets may fade a bit around where the rug is placed.

Keep Your Carpets Clean
Keeping your carpets clean helps them to stay fresh. Products that you may use on your body like lotions or medicines on your feet can contribute to carpets fading. And shoes tack in all sorts of dirt and grime that can discolor your carpets. So, try to wear socks over your carpets to limit exposure. Regularly vacuum your carpets and professionally clean your carpets annually to keep them at their best.
Need Help Finding the Right Window Treatments to Protect Your Carpets?
If you’re looking for window treatments that help protect your carpet and furnishings that also beautifully coordinate with your home and décor, give us a call at (877) 786-2877 or fill out the form below. We’ll schedule a free in-home consultation and walk you through all of your options to find the best window treatment for your home and family.

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